Freitag, 22. Juli 2016

ധ്രുവദീപ്തി // Panorama // Medicine // India- A Land of Mystery-Origin of Language, Origin of Aurveda // Dr. D. John, USA

India-A Land of Mystery -

Origin of Language, Origin of Aurveda //

Dr. D. John, USA.

Origin of Language.

Goddes Lakshmi gave enlightenment of Language to a Yogi by scribbling on his tongue, thus, it is believed, Sanskrit languge evolved.

Origin of Ayurveda.

Tridosa Theory of Ayurveda developed in the 4th century S.C. spread to other parts like China, Burma, and Sri Lanka alone with the Buddisam. SUSRUTHA a great surgeon (Around 1000- 600 B.C), developed surgery (wearing spotless white garments, clean shaved face, and cut nails) with silver tools. Brain surgery, Cranial surgery, blood transfussion using siver tubes, artificial leg with silver and plastic surgery were decreibed and practiced for the exclusiveuse of Warriors and Kings.

The Ayurveda was written in first century -B.C.
VATSYANA wrote KAMA SUTRA (Science of Love) during this period.

What is Aurveda?

The word Aurveda comes from two Sanskrit roots: Ayus, meaning life or life span and veda, meaning knoledge of science. Hence it is the "Science of life". According to Ayurveda three irreducible phisiological principles called DOSHA regulate the different functions of the body. In Sanskrit, they are VATA, PITTA, and KAPHA. Every human being is endowed at Birth with some value of all Three DOSHAS but vary from person to person. This proportion determines the Physco- Phyisiological type. There are 10 classic types in three doshas.


These Doshas are further divided into neumerous subdoshas with different functions in the body. Imbalance in the doshas and subdoshas is responsible for various disorders.


Vata dosha represents motion and flow. Physiologically it is at the basis of respiration, circulation and neuromuscular activity. Vata imbalance predisposes to diseases of the nervous system, chronic pain, cardiac arrhythmias, rheumatic disorders, constipation, anxiety and insomnia.


Pitta dosha directs all metabolic activities, energy exchange, and digestion. Pitta imbalance predisposes to Peptic ulcers, Hypertension, Inflamatory Bowl diseases,Skin diseases, and allergic reactions. Pitta imbalance is also responsible for anger, envy, and jealousy. 


Kapha dosha represents structure and cohesion and fluid balance. Kapha imbalance predisposes toward diseases of the respiratory system, sinusitis, diabetes melitus, obesity, artherosclerosis and tumors. This is also responsible for feelings of attachment and greed.


In Aurveda is prescribed on the basis of imbalance in the doshas and psyco-physiologic type rather than by disease entity as in allopathic system. For this reson two patients with Hypertension may receive different treatments owing to their biologic individuality and different causes of the diseases as determind by the Ayurvedic diagnostic process.


The main emphasis of Ayurvedic therapeutic is to restore physiological balance, which equates with restoring balance to the Doshas through homeostasis (Sharma, Triguna and Chopra,1991). These strategies are divided into four areas: Mind, Body, Behavior, and enviroment.

Mind:  Every patient receives recommendations in all four areas. Through transcendental meditation and other techniques, Ayurvedic practitioners use mantal treatments for long life and quality of life, reduced anyiety, hypertension,cholesterol level, substance abuse.
Body: approaches include the use of diet, execise, herbs, sensory modelities, and 'Panchakarmma' (Purification procedure through medicated oil massage, herbal intake and elimination therapies)

Behavior: The Aurvedic text have described circadien and circannual cycles and the patient is instructed to routines like rising and retiring time, moving the bowls on awakening, main meal at lunch time and exercise. Behavior is contolled and treated by proper living condition, hyginic measures, and meditation programs.

Pulse Diagnosis:

Through Palpation of the radial pulse, skilled Ayurvedic Practitioners are able to diagnose diseases connected to not only cadiovascular diseases but also diabetes, neoplastic disease, musculoskeletal disease and asthma.

Recent Developement:

Ayurveda has undergone a resurgence in India and abroad during the past 40 years, before which it was controlled and supressed by the Brittish rule for over 400 years. Physicians in north and south America, Europe, and japan have taken Ayurvedic training and patient care. Medical associations of Brazil, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and China have sponsored Ayurvedic conferences and training courses. Such world initiatives and conferences are in proggress.//-
ധൃവദീപ്തി  ഓണ്‍ലൈൻ 
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