Inter-religious Dialogue,
a daily Reality in life //
Fr. Sebastian Thottippatt
Fr. Sebastian Thottippatt |
Inter-religious dialogue is a subject that is much in vogue today. As we are hear about frequent and blatant violations of freedom of religion in different parts of the world these days, this is a subject that is most relevant for every one in a multi-religious society. By the very fact that society is composed of people belonging to diverse religious traditions and practices, it becomes incombent on all to interact with one another in a way that avoids confrontations and enhances one's life through it. We are constantly engaged in inter-actions with one another in every aspect of life. In fact we are inter-dependent on one another all the time for the fulfillment of our basic needs and growth in every area of life.
Inter.Religious dialogue |
Most people profess affiliation to one religion or another by dint of their birth. However, whatever values and traditions a religion contains and passes on to its followers, it is not complete in itself for the simple reason that no religion can exhaust the fullness of truth. Religions have certain belief system, code of laws and rituals which come to take shape over the yeras through the influence of culture, perception of values and and the means of living it out in accordance with what one understands as consanant with the teachings of a spiritual leader. Unfortunatly, in cource of time they get solidified with their local cultural expressions and become less amenable to change.
Gods of Hindhuism |
is a fact borne out by history that the followers of all religions have had the
tendency to carry with them wherever they go all the externals of their
religion such as the specific rituals, dress code and their own particular theological
understanding of the perennial truths. This has led to much tension between
peoples in human history. People from different lands meeting together find
themselves confronting each other when they view their religious practices
against that of others who live side by side with them following a different
religion or a different perception of the eternal reality. This state of
affairs called for some form of dialogue between followers of different
religions for peaceful co-existence among themselves. The conviction has been
gaining ground in enlightened circles that no religion is the embodiment of
truth but only the finger pointing to it in an imperfect way. However, in
fanatic circles some have claimed their beliefs and practices to be absolute
and sought to impose them on everyone with drastic consequences for breach of
peace. But in actual fact, every religion has in it only segments of truth. One
must, therefore, delve deeper into one’s own religion and explore the
perceptions in another’s religion too in order to arrive at complete truth and be
built by it.
dialogue does not imply compromising one’s beliefs and adopting another indiscriminately.
It is rather the meeting together of human beings as they are and sharing
together the best of teachings, tradition and life style they possess. There is
no evaluation of each other as good or bad but of appreciating each other’s
assets for what they mean to them. No name given to God is his real name
because God has no name or form. It applies also to the qualities that one
attributes to God. Hence no one can say that he/she is right or wrong in
whichever way he or she names God or speaks of him. While sharing one’s own
experience of religion, it is important to grasp that the plan of God for each
human person varies and it ought to be respected in each case.
The Mountain of Arunachala at
Thiruvannaamalai-Tamil Nadu
town of Tiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu, India, where I live, is a meeting ground
for people from all over the world who are drawn here by the life and teachings
of Sri. Ramana Maharshi, a sage who lived here in the first half of the last
century. He belonged to a Hindu Brahmin family from Madurai but came here drawn
by the grace of Shiva who has been considered for centuries as embodied by the
Mountain of Arunachala at Tiruvannamalai. Living for two decades in the caves
of the mountain in silence with his altered state of consciousness, he grew
into an enlightened sage whom people sought after from near and far. Going
beyond the tenets of religion, he led those who came to him to seek and find
the real self hidden in each one under various external expressions. Having an
Advaitic approach to life, Bhagwan Ramana Maharshi left behind him at
Tiruvnnamalai an aura of spirituality and God-seeking which continues to draw tens
of thousands to the town every year. Today people from all walks of life and rooted
in diverse religious affiliations come here, stay at Ramana Maharshi ashram or anywhere
around and do the pilgrim walk around the mountain. No one is keen to learn
about the religion of the other but all are united in seeking to discover the
self within as instructed by the Maharshi. All the guest houses in
Tiruvannamalai are booked up to capacity by Western seekers by and large from
November to February every year. Most of these are followers of Christianity.
Interreligious Relations |
minimum of 100,000 people do the Girivalem walk of 14 kilometers around the Mountain
of Arunachala at every full moon. And once a year at Kartikeya Deepam Festival
when a flame is lit on top of the Mountain, the number of pilgrims swells to
anywhere around 2 million. The vast majority of these are Hindus but there is
no distinction among the persons who constitute this crowd that do the pilgrim walk.
The follower of any religion can sense the presence of God on that Mountain as
well as in the crowd of pious pilgrims. At different points along the route, there
are groups of kindly volunteers who bring cooked food or snacks and serve them free
to the pilgrims. No one is asked his or her religion. Everyone is accepted as a
devotee of Shiva or a seeker of God. It is inter-religious dialogue taking
place in action. People learn to go beyond one’s religion to recognize the
humanity of the other and serve him or her with joy and humility. I have seen
Muslim women in their purdah go into Ramanashram premises and experiencing the
atmosphere of spirituality and acceptance prevailing there. The gate is open to
all throughout the day and nobody is ever turned away unless evidently he or
she is a public nuisance.
Inter-Religious Dialogue |
dialogue takes place where men and women meet together on the common ground of their
humanity and share each other’s spiritual, intellectual, artistic and other
humanistic riches. Every form of talent present in any man or woman is a gift
of the same God, under whichever name or form one perceives him. When we
recognize that and appreciate it with thankfulness we render glory to God and
make our lives more human and enriched. It
is not our distinctions in religion that we need to share but rather what our
religion has led us to on our spiritual journey. When we enter into true
dialogue and listen to each other intensely, we shall pass on to each other even
unknowingly the gift of God’s presence and love. This indeed is the ultimate
aim of inter-religious dialogue.//-
ധൃവദീപ്തി ഓണ്ലൈൻ
Published from Heidelberg, Germany,
in accordance with the European charter on freedom of opinion and press.
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